Products and Features in development

Below you find new products in development and modifications in existing products, you can send us an This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have got an idea for modifications in our products to make our products better.

Good ideas will be rewarded!

READY Software modification in RUKRA Elevator phone with time registration Engineer Arrived / Left the Elevator

Finished in January 2015:

Existing input of the alarmfilter in the RUKRA Elevator Phone can also be programmed for Automatic online Time registration when the Engineer has Arrived and has left the Elevator.
After the engineer is arrived at the elavator he activates a mechanicall (wireless) switch in the machineroom and when he leaves he deactivate the same switch, the RUKRA Elevator Phone makes a technicall call to the webbased callcenter and the timestamps are registrated and online visible in the tab (Action)
Engineer arrived
Ready in RUKRA Elevatorphone from firmware version 4.5 (January 2015)
Programming: Program parameter 34 to 2
Input: Normally Open
Wired     : 2 Wires from RUKRA Elevator Phone to machineroom
Wireless: RUKRA Remote Digit IO_11 (Safe wireless transmitting of 1 contact to 250 meters)

New Product RUKRA GSM/PSTN Interface


New RUKRA GSM/PSTN Interface in development

Ready second quart 2015 

Enclosure RUKRA GSM Interface RK 1200



New Product RUKRA VOIP Elevator Phone

New RUKRA VOIP Elevator Phone in development

Ready third quart 2015 

RK 2003 RUKRA Voip Elevator Emergency Phone Under construction


New Product RUKRA flat LED armature direct to the roof of the cabin with PIR sensor and emergency light

New Product RUKRA flat LED armature direct to the roof of the cabin with PIR sensor and emergency light

Ready first quart 2015

Flat LED armature




Joomla! Debug Console


Profile Information

Memory Usage

Database Queries